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Curing Cancer With Carrots Pdf Download

Goodreads Choice Awards 2021
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Jun 20, 2014 rated it did not like it
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Recommended to Ita by: Chance
If you find yourself diagnosed with cancer you need effective treatment, when it can cure you or allow you to enjoy a good quality of life for longer than might otherwise be possible.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost ten years ago. The cancer was removed surgically. I then had chemotherapy and radiotherapy before being prescribed Arimidex for five years. Arimidex is an enzyme inhibitor which prevents the formation of oestrogen from a precursor naturally synthesised by the body. My hospit

If you find yourself diagnosed with cancer you need effective treatment, when it can cure you or allow you to enjoy a good quality of life for longer than might otherwise be possible.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost ten years ago. The cancer was removed surgically. I then had chemotherapy and radiotherapy before being prescribed Arimidex for five years. Arimidex is an enzyme inhibitor which prevents the formation of oestrogen from a precursor naturally synthesised by the body. My hospital treatments lasted little more than six months and were tailored to my individual needs. Chemo was the only form of therapy I would describe as tough, but I'm glad I underwent it because I have enjoyed good health since.

I had my treatment under the NHS in the UK so my oncologist had no financial motivation for prescribing the drugs I was given. I found all the health professionals I encountered to be kind, conscientious, caring and concerned for my well being, and resent the insinuation in this book that doctors are ignorant and self-interested.

I eat carrots as part of a balanced, refined-carbohydrate-restricted diet, but will not be juicing five pounds of them a day. Post surgery to remove her tumours, Ann Cameron has been drinking carrot juice for the past year-and-a-half, and has no symptoms of cancer, but this is very far from being evidence that she has been cured of the disease. Testimonials from a handful of other people detailing benefits which they attribute to carrot juice are not evidence of its effectiveness either.

This book may sound scientific because it contains words like 'angiogenesis,' 'apoptosis,' and 'necrosis,' but it also contains statements which would be given zero marks in a school biology exam. One such is, 'the immune system senses the wound as a hole in our body that has to be filled in.' Before you allow yourself to be impressed by references to the work of people from prestigious universities, please be aware that one of them has had to retract a paper from the Journal of Immunology.

I know from personal experience how vulnerable people with cancer are. You need to have trust in those who are treating you, so that you can benefit fully from the treatment which contains a substantial placebo component. I do hope Ann will not suffer a recurrence. I take no pleasure in writing this review, but books like this are dangerous in so far as they may deter people from seeking treatments where the benefits have been shown to outweigh the risks.

Ashraf Bashir
I cannot say whether it will work with some of my beloved relatives, but reading many online reviews, it seems to be working! We will give it a try, hoping that what I read is correct and hoping that online reviews here and there are not fake. I hope what I read real ... I will come back to goodreads and update the review after advising my patient relative to give it a try, and after checking 8 weeks results to evaluate progress
Jun 14, 2015 rated it it was amazing
I have read many books similar to this on cancer. To date I have not been diagnosed with cancer, but for sure will give carrot juicing a try first before any thing else. Sounds a lot more pleasant than conventional therapy.
Nov 26, 2014 rated it it was amazing
Well written book that is thought provoking

Those affected by cancer either as a patient, relative or friend will find it interesting reading. Not just the carrot juice therapy, but for clarity on the nature of the disease and the available treatments I give the book a high rating

Nov 19, 2019 rated it really liked it
I thought it was a good book. My husband has cancer and he has gone through chemo and radiation but that doesn't mean there is not room to try this too. The author was uncomfortable with trying chemo herself so she tried carrots instead; it worked for her. We're adding juicing carrots in addition to his continuing his chemotherapy treatment. I'll update this again in Jan 2020 after his next CT and share the outcome. The back of the book have testimonials from other cancer survivors who said it w I thought it was a good book. My husband has cancer and he has gone through chemo and radiation but that doesn't mean there is not room to try this too. The author was uncomfortable with trying chemo herself so she tried carrots instead; it worked for her. We're adding juicing carrots in addition to his continuing his chemotherapy treatment. I'll update this again in Jan 2020 after his next CT and share the outcome. The back of the book have testimonials from other cancer survivors who said it worked for them. No drug company is going to spend millions of dollars researching if carrots can cure cancer when they will never make the money back. It's up to us to inform ourselves, do research, and look for answers and I would never advise anyone to not work with their doctor or pass on traditional medicine. The author was afraid of chemo. She wasn't going to do it. It was a huge risk for her to juice carrots instead. That's not a risk we would personally take. ...more
Jan 20, 2021 rated it it was amazing
As a metastatic breast cancer patient going to try it. Nothing to lose. It is well written backed up with scientific evidence. Easy to read and understand.
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Librarian Note: There is more than one author by this name in the Goodreads database.

Ann Cameron grew up in Wisconsin. Today, she and her husband live in Guatemala. From her house she can see a waterfall and three volcanoes. Ann Cameron has been a teacher and an editor as well as a writer.

She says that writing is hardest for her at the beginning of a book. To get started, she follows this importa

Librarian Note: There is more than one author by this name in the Goodreads database.

Ann Cameron grew up in Wisconsin. Today, she and her husband live in Guatemala. From her house she can see a waterfall and three volcanoes. Ann Cameron has been a teacher and an editor as well as a writer.

She says that writing is hardest for her at the beginning of a book. To get started, she follows this important rule for writing: "Apply seat of pants to bottom of chair."


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