Every Grain Of Rice Pdf Download
Ensuring food security is the foundation of economic development and social stability. China is historically a country that is dominated by agriculture. In the past 60 years, China's total grain output increased by fivefold, from 113 million tons (MT) in 1949 to 571 MT in 2011, a statistic which provides inspiration to producers in other parts of the world. Grain production per capita doubled, from 209 to 425 kg during the same time period. At the national scale, China has succeeded in maintaining a basic self-sufficiency for grain for the past three decades. However, with the increasing population pressure and a growing appetite for animal products, China will need 776 MT grain by 2030 to feed its own people, a net increase of 35.9% from its best year on record. China's drive for future food security is challenged by problems such as low efficiency of resource use and resource limitation, diminishing return in yield response, competition for nonagricultural land uses, and environmental degradation. In this article, we analyze historical, temporal, and spatial variation in total grain production as well as the overall developing trends of current and future grain production, and discussed relevant options to overcome production constraints and further promote agricultural production.
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An analysis of China's grain production: looking
back and looking forward
Yuxuan Li
, Weifeng Zhang
, Lin Ma
, Liang Wu
, Jianbo Shen
, William J. Davies
, Oene
, Fusuo Zhang
& Zhengxia Dou
Center for Resources, Environment and Food Security, China Agricultural University, No. 2 Yuanmingyuan Xilu, Haidian, Beijing 100193, China
Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Lancaster Environment Centre, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK
Center for Animal Health and Productivity, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, 382 West Street Road, Kennett Square,
Pennsylvania 19348
Chinese agriculture, food security, grain
production, resource use, sustainable
Weifeng Zhang, Center for Resources,
Environment and Food Security, China
Agricultural University, No. 2 Yuanmingyuan
Xilu, Haidian, Beijing 100193, China.
Tel: +86-10-62733941;
Fax: +86-10-62731016;
E-mail: wfzhang@cau.edu.cn
Funding Information
The authors appreciate funding for this study
provided by the National Basic Research
Program of China (973 Program:
2009CB118608), the Innovative Group Grant
of Natural Science Foundation of China
(NSFC) (31121062), and the Special Fund for
Agro Scientific Research in the Public Interest
(201203079 and 201103003). W. J. D.
thanks CIMMYT for financial support.
Received: 3 June 2013; Revised: 7 September
2013; Accepted: 5 November 2013
Food and Energy Security 2014; 3(1): 19–32
doi: 10.1002/fes3.41
Ensuring food security is the foundation of economic development and social
stability. China is historically a country that is dominated by agriculture. In the
past 60 years, China's total grain output increased by fivefold, from 113 million
tons (MT) in 1949 to 571 MT in 2011, a statistic which provides inspiration to
producers in other parts of the world. Grain production per capita doubled,
from 209 to 425 kg during the same time period. At the national scale, China
has succeeded in maintaining a basic self-sufficiency for grain for the past three
decades. However, with the increasing population pressure and a growing appe-
tite for animal products, China will need 776 MT grain by 2030 to feed its own
people, a net increase of 35.9% from its best year on record. China's drive for
future food security is challenged by problems such as low efficiency of resource
use and resource limitation, diminishing return in yield response, competition
for nonagricultural land uses, and environmental degradation. In this article,
we analyze historical, temporal, and spatial variation in total grain production
as well as the overall developing trends of current and future grain production,
and discussed relevant options to overcome production constraints and further
promote agricultural production.
Producing enough food in a sustainable way to meet the
growing global demand is one of the greatest challenges fac-
ing mankind in the 21st century. Accelerating trends in
urbanization, environmental degradation, and climate
change all hinder our ability to feed the world's growing
human population projected to exceed nine billion by 2050
(Rosegrant and Cline 2003; Brown and Funk 2008; Lobell
et al. 2008; Godfray et al. 2010). Regional imbalance in
agricultural production is another constraint for supplying
food to those who are most vulnerable and food insecure.
While disadvantaged people in all countries may experience
severe food insecurity, national-scale food security is
ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
currently not a concern in the developed economies of Eur-
ope, North America, and Oceania but a major problem in
sub-Sahara Africa (Chen et al. 2011). There is a major con-
cern about future food security in a number of regions,
with the impacts of reduced food availability and access
being felt first in those societies where people currently
spend a high proportion of their income on food, such as
Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Caribbean
region, and North Africa (Huang et al. 2002; Rosegrant
and Cline 2003; Godfray et al. 2010).
China as the world's most populous nation has been
sparing no efforts in pursuing national food security as a
means of advancing economic development and main-
taining social stability. From 1949 to 2011, China's total
grain output increased fivefold from 113 to 571 million
tons (MT) (Fig. 1), while per capita grain production
grew from 209 to 424 kg/year (National Bureau of Statis-
tics of China 2012). This marked achievement is largely
attributed to expanding cereal production (rice, wheat,
and maize) with the introduction of new varieties, inten-
sification of cropping (double and sometimes triple crop-
ping), and vastly increased inputs in irrigation, fertilizer,
and other agricultural chemicals (Zhu and Chen 2002).
However, environmental issues such as soil acidification,
water contamination, N-deposition, and climate change
associated with the overuse of fertilizers in grain produc-
tion are escalating (Li et al. 2013). How China can sus-
tainably grow its agriculture to meet the increasing
demand in coming decades remains a hot debate. Com-
pared to 2011, the population in China is predicted to
increase from 1347 to 1462 million by 2030; more people
will live in cities (an increase from 47.0% to 61.9%) (UN
2012), and annual per capita income will increase from
1833 to 16,000 USD (World Bank 2012). All these
projected changes will push the country's grain demand
to a higher level, beyond the current production output
of 571 MT. For instance, meat consumption will continue
to increase, pushing up the demand for feed grains in
future. Meanwhile, low resource use efficiency in grain
production, environmental degradation, and climate
change can become serious constraints for China to sus-
tain its economic growth and maintain the agricultural
productivity in particular (e.g., Kang et al. 2008).
In recent years, world grain production has fallen short
of consumption, and by the end of 2008, this drew world
grain stocks down to their lowest level in the last few dec-
ades. Fortunately, China has maintained a grain self-suffi-
ciency rate above 95%, contributing positively to global
food security (Nie et al. 2010). In China, average con-
sumption of cereals and three staple crops (wheat, maize,
and rice) reached 207 and 255 MT, respectively, in the
last decade, accounting for 22.5% and 24.9% of world
consumption (FAO 2012a). If China imports more food,
international grain prices will inevitably increase due to
the limited grain supply capacity of the world market.
This would exert negative impact on the food security in
low-income food-deficit countries. Given its large popula-
tion base and the sheer size of its economy, China's food
security is not only a national priority but also a global
matter. Therefore, ensuring sufficient food supply in
China will help stabilize the world food market.
In this article, we first analyze the trends of grain produc-
tion in China in the past six decades and identify relevant
policies and influencing factors, and then we project
the nation's grain demand for 2030 and examine major
production constraints. Finally, we discuss potential
Figure 1. The evolvement of the output of rice, wheat, and maize over the period between 1949 and 2011. The data were collected from the
China Statistical Yearbook published by National Bureau of Statistics of China in 2012. The other grain crops include millet, sorghum, legumes,
and tuber crops.
20 ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists.
Analysis of China's Grain Production Y. Li et al.
pathways for sustainable development of grain production
in the future.
Grain Production Overview
Trends of total grain output
In FAO publications, grain refers to cereal grains only.
However, in China (the National Bureau of Statistics)
and here in this article, grain has a broader meaning,
encompassing cereals, legumes, and tuber crops. From
1949 (the year the People's Republic of China was estab-
lished) to 2011, China's annual grain output increased on
average by 2.6%, from 113 to 571 MT. Of the total grain
production, the three staple cereals (wheat, maize, and
rice) accounted for 66.1% in 1949 (74.9 MT) but grew to
85.5% in 2011 (488.2 MT; Fig. 1). However, the increase
in total grain production was not linear. It was slow and
steady in the initial 30 years (a net increase of 200 MT
from 1949 to 1978), rapid and dramatic for the next few
years (a net increase of 100 MT from 1978 to 1984), slow
and steady again for the subsequent 14 years (another net
increase of 100 MT from 1984 to 1998). Thereafter, total
grain output decreased considerably for several years,
from 512 MT in 1998 to 431 MT in 2003. Fortunately,
China's grain production has recovered its trend of
upward growth since 2004, achieving another 100 MT
increase between 2004 and 2011.
Many factors such as weather conditions, technological
advancement, and policy changes interact to affect agricul-
tural production. In China, government policies play a
particularly critical and sometimes overriding role. For
nearly 30 years after the "New China" was established
(from 1949 to 1978), agricultural production was strictly
state controlled via the commune system. Throughout the
country, the grain market was under the total control of
the state and grain price was determined exclusively by the
government. Such rigid management controls hindered
innovation and restricted agricultural development. Total
grain output increased, owing to improved seeds, expand-
ing irrigation, and increasing fertilizer input, but only at a
limited pace. The year 1978 marked a turning point when
land use reform was initiated. The commune system was
replaced gradually with a household contracting mecha-
nism, shifting land stewardship from collectively managed
farms into individually chartered small plots, and the deci-
sion making on farmland management was transferred
from commune leaders or government officials to the
smallholder farmers themselves. This fundamental change
provided farmers with the much needed incentive for
enhancing production and improving life quality. The
land use reform and open door policy greatly stimulated
the enthusiasm of the farmers and their productivity.
Combined with increases in agricultural production inputs
and improvement in seeds as well as in management, total
grain output increased rapidly. However, the Asian finan-
cial crisis in 1998 had a negative impact on China's agri-
cultural production. Grain price dropped, pulling down
farmers' income. The Government responded by adjusting
the agricultural structure and reducing planting area of
grain crops while increasing planting area of cash crops.
Across the nation, planted acreage of grain crops
decreased by 12.2% and reached the historically lowest
point in 2003. From 1998 to 2003, total grain output
decreased from 512 to 431 MT. Amid sharp criticisms and
public concerns, in 2004 China aborted its long-standing
policy of taxing farm households and instead began to
provide farmers with four types of subsidy payments
including "grain subsidy," "input subsidy," "quality seed
subsidy," and "agricultural machinery subsidy" to encour-
age grain production (Huang et al. 2011a). The amount of
subsidies for each farmer household was based on planted
area for grain, so farmers were willing to expand the culti-
vated area in return for the subsidies. Between 2004 and
2011, the subsidy increased from 2.1 to 21.2 billion USD
(Ministry of Finance of China 2012). Driven by the series
of support policies, total grain output increased by
102 MT from 2003 (469 MT) to 2011 (571 MT). The
planting acreage of grain crops climbed to 111 million
hectares (Mha) by 2011, an increase of 11.2% from the
historical low in 2003 (99.4 Mha).
The importance of three major grain
production regions
There are three regions that are considered China's grain
baskets, their collective contribution to the nation's total
grain output increased steadily from 68.7% in 1978 to
72.3% in 2011 (Fig. 2). These regions are the mid- and
lower Yangtze River region (Yangtze), the Northeast
China Plain (NECP), and the North China Plain (NCP).
The Yangtze region, covering seven provinces with >200
thousand square kilometers, has long been China's grain
production center since Ming Dynasty. This region fea-
tures a climate of northern subtropics, with annual aver-
age temperature of 14– 18° C and precipitation around
1000– 1400 mm. The planting system in this region is two
crop harvests a year, even three in some areas. The abun-
dant water supply and fine climate conditions favor rice
and wheat production. There is a well-known Chinese
saying, "When the area around Yangtze River has a good
harvest, the entire country has enough food."
The other two regions, NECP and NCP, emerged as
major grain production centers after the 1950s, as the
results of government support polices and heightened
investment in agricultural infrastructure. NECP, covering
ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists. 21
Y. Li et al . Analysis of China's Grain Production
three provinces (Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang) and 1.5 mil-
lion square kilometers, is in the temperate and warm tem-
perate zone and characterized by continental and monsoon
climate types with an annual precipitation around 350–
700 mm. The soil is fertile and the planting system is one
crop-harvest a year, with wheat, corn, soybean, and rice
being the major crops. Moreover, the region is rich in
surface and groundwater and much of the rice area is
equipped with irrigation. The NCP is located in the lower
reaches of the Yellow River, covering six provinces with
310,000 km
. This region has a typical temperate and
monsoonal climate with four distinct seasons. Average
annual temperature is about 8– 15° C and precipitation is
500– 1000 mm. The cropping system features three har-
vests every 2 years, mostly with a wheat– maize rotation.
Collectively, the three regions constitute a total of
75.0 Mha of arable land, accounting for 61.6% of the
total arable land in the country (National Bureau of Sta-
tistics of China 2012). In 2011, cultivated area of grain
crops in the three regions accounted for 76.4% of the
total cultivated area in China. From 1978 to 1984, total
grain output increased by about 103 MT (from 304 to
407 MT) in the country; 65.1% of the increase was in the
three grain basket regions (from 209.4 to 276.2 MT)
(Fig. 3). In the period between 1984 and 1998, another
100 MT net increase was achieved in the country, of
which 70.9% was attributed to increases in the three
regions. During the most recent push for grain produc-
tion (2004– 2011; 100 MT net increase), 90.6% of the
increase was from the three regions. Clearly, the impor-
tance of the three grain baskets in China's food security
has become progressively more critical in the past three
decades. However, with the rapid development of inten-
sive grain production in these three regions, environmen-
tal problems, such as eutrophication, soil acidification, N-
deposition, and climate change associated with uses of
fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural machines have also
intensified and may become serious constraints to future
growth. Hence, it is important to evaluate whether further
significant increases in productivity can be achieved in
these already productive areas.
Meanwhile, the production of the three staple crops in
the three regions also grew in both absolute terms and as
a relative proportion of national production. Net increase
in the three staple grains amounted to 67.5 MT from
1978 to 1984, accounting for 76.4% of the relevant
increase in the country. Maize was the fastest-growing
Grain yield (mmt)
Grain yield proporƟon (%)
0.9 – 20.0
20.1 – 40.0
40.1 – 56.0
0 140 280 560
Figure 2. Map of three grain production regions in China. The map was formed based on the software of Global Information System (GIS), and
the data were collected from the China Statistical Yearbook published by National Bureau of Statistics of China in 2012.
Figure 3. The proportion of the increased grain production in three
regions to that in whole country.
22 ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists.
Analysis of China's Grain Production Y. Li et al.
crop during this period in the country as well as in the
three regions, accounting for 61.4% and 50.3% of the net
increase in grain production in the whole country and
the three regions, respectively. Moreover, maize produc-
tion in the three regions accounts for 75.7% of maize
produced in the whole country. Maize is the major feed
crop for animal production and its rapid growth in popu-
larity with farmers reflected the fast increasing demand
from the population for more meat in their diet. Between
2004 and 2011, total meat production increased by 20.4%
(from 66.1 to 79.6 MT). China's growing economy,
income, and urbanization will further stimulate the appe-
tite for animal products and thus additional demand for
maize is inevitable. It is well known that a diet with a
high content of animal protein is highly demanding of
agricultural inputs, compared to the production of a lar-
gely vegetarian diet. Jagerskog and Clausen (2012) have
shown that a very high proportion of the substantial use
of water in Chinese agriculture since 1980 has been
focused on extra meat production. Moreover, with the
rapid development of the Concentrated Animal Feeding
Operations (CAFOs), the growing disconnection between
animal production in CAFOs and grain production is not
conducive for the development of circular agriculture, for
instance, it will be costly and impractical to bring man-
ures from distant livestock farms to cropland where man-
ure nutrients can be effectively utilized.
In the most recent push for grain production across
the country (2004 and 2011), 90.7% of the national
increase in the three staple grains was attributed to that
in the three regions. Undoubtedly, China's food security
depends heavily on the production output in the Yangtze,
NECP, and NCP regions.
Grain production attributed to yield versus
planting area
Total grain output depends on two factors: cultivated area
and crop yield. From 1978 to 2011, total cultivated area
for grain decreased from 121 to 111 Mha across the
country, but total grain output increased from 305 to
571 MT owing to enhancement in yields. Rice yield
increased from 4.1 t ha
in 1978 to 6.7 t ha
in 2011,
wheat from 2.0 to 4.8 t ha
, and maize from 2.3 to
5.7 t ha
. Taken together, average grain yield increased
from 2.5 to 5.2 t ha
during the 33-year time span.
Examined more closely, from 1978 to 1984, the 100-MT
increase in grain output was attributed entirely to yield
improvement (from 2.5 to 3.6 t ha
) whereas the acreage
of grain crops actually decreased (from 120.6 to
112.9 Mha), so the yield improvement contributed 127%
to the net increase in grain production in this period.
Between 1984 and 1998, another 100-MT net increase in
grain output was achieved, again mainly attributed to yield
increase (by 0.8 t ha
, contributed 96% to the net increase
in grain production) rather than planting area expansion
(by 0.9 Mha only, contributed 3% to the increase in grain
production). However, the situation changed during the
period between 2004 and 2011, when the 100-MT increase
in grain output was largely derived from an expansion of
cultivated area, with a net increase of 9 Mha, which con-
tributed 54% to the net increase in grain production,
whereas crop yield only increased by 0.5 t ha
, contrib-
uted 41% (Fig. 4A). The substantial slowdown in yield
improvement over the past three decades is a reflection of
diminishing return as the increasing production inputs are
met with a decreasing yield response. This slowdown also
implies that there is a growing challenge in keeping up with
the country's escalating grain demand. High use of fertilizer
and water and decreasing yield responses, combined with
shortages and escalating costs of these and other inputs,
threatens sustained crop productivity for the future as well
as the maintenance of a low environmental footprint in
agriculture (Fan et al. 2011).
The trends at the national scale described above were
also mirrored in the three basket regions, that is, increases
in total grain output were dominated by yield improve-
ment at first, and planting acreage expansion became
increasingly more important recently (Fig. 4B– D). In fact,
there was a net increase in the acreage of the three staple
crops, totaling 11.5 Mha (from 50.8 to 62.3 Mha) between
2004 and 2011 in the three regions, which offset an actual
decrease in grain acreage in other part of the country. As
mentioned earlier, nationally the acreage increased by
9 Mha for the same time period. The expansion in the
three regions was made up as follows: rice (2.5 Mha),
wheat (2.8 Mha), and maize (6.2 Mha). Such planting area
expansion for grain production resulted directly from
decreases in the acreages of nongrain crops (oil crops, cot-
tons, and hemp crops) as well as conversion of wetland in
NECP into crop production (discussed later). These shifts
reflected the fact that farmers were increasingly motivated
in their engagement in grain production because of stable
prices for grain crops, a hefty subsidy on grain production,
and the development of labor-saving machineries. Once
again, strong policies played a critical role in stimulating
grain production allowing production to keep up with the
growing food demand since 2004.
Food Security Challenges in Coming
Grain demand by 2030
Human population in China is projected to peak at 1467
million in 2030. Per capita income is projected to reach
ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists. 23
Y. Li et al . Analysis of China's Grain Production
16,000 USD in 2030, a sixfold increase from 2011. Also,
61.8% of Chinese people will live in cities by 2030. All
these changes have and will continue to bring significant
increase in food demand (Heilig 1997). As shown in
Table 1, food consumption in China increased dramati-
cally from 1961 to 2007, especially for animal products
such as meat and milk increased annually by 5.9% and
5.4%. In comparison, per capita consumption of cereal
and egg in China exceeds that in USA, EU, and Japan;
meat consumption is slightly higher than that in Japan
but much less than that in the USA and EU (Table 1).
One very clear contrast between China's diet and that of
the other countries in comparison is the amount of milk
consumption. In 2007, USA had nearly nine times, EU
eight times, and Japan three times of China's per capita
milk consumption.
Rapidly rising income in China fuels a growing appetite
for animal products, which in turn pushes the grain
demand even further. It takes roughly 7, 3, 2.1, 3.5, 2.5,
and 2.1 kg grain, respectively, to produce 1 kg of beef,
mutton, poultry, pork, egg, and milk (Liu, 2002). We
calculated the quantity of grain needed for 2030 under a
number of scenarios (Table 1). If the average Chinese die-
tary composition approaches that of Japan (2007 level),
China would need 722 MT grain by 2030. Assuming that
the country adopts the EU or USA diet, China would
need 1445 or 1733 MT grain (Table 1). We also calcu-
lated grain demand based on the dietary recommendation
of the Chinese Society for Nutrition (Table 1), and the
corresponding grain demand would be 776 MT. This
would be 204.4 MT greater than the country's best record
of 571 MT (in 2011). In other words, to fuel an aspira-
tional "Western diet," China will need to increase its total
grain output by 35.8% from its record level in order to
maintain grain self-sufficiency by 2030. Whether China
will be able to attain this goal depends on many factors,
not least the type of diet that becomes typical for the
average Chinese. The health impacts of changes in diet
need to be an important consideration for policy makers
(Tansey 2013) but detailed discussion of these factors is
beyond the scope of this article. However, some major
constraints on future production are discussed below.
Constraints to crop yield
Assuming average crop yield remains the same as
5.2 t ha
in 2011, cultivated area would have to increase
to 150 Mha, an increase of 36.4%, to meet grain demand
of 776 MT by 2030 based on the per capita food intake
recommended by Chinese Society for Nutrition. This is
(A) (C)
(D) (B)
Figure 4. The contribution ratios of the crop yield and cultivated area to promote the grain production in China (A) and wheat (B), maize (C),
and rice (D) production in three regions.
24 ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists.
Analysis of China's Grain Production Y. Li et al.
unlikely considering the ever-growing competition for
land from nonagricultural sectors and potentially from
biofuels. In fact, cultivated area decreased from 120.6 to
110.6 Mha in the past three decades, an average annual
decrease rate of 0.3%. The central government has
decreed that for the future, cultivated area for grain
should be maintained at around 110 Mha (2011 level).
Assuming this to be the case for the coming decades, crop
yield will need to reach 7.0 t ha
in order to produce
776 MT grains by 2030. In other words, China must
increase the unit grain yield per hectare by 34.6% from
its best record by 2030 in order to keep up with the
demand for grain nationally. In the last two decades, the
crop yield increased from 4.1 to 5.2 t ha
, with an
annual growth rate of 1.2%. If China can maintain the
same growth rate of 1.2% in the next 20 years, by 2030
the crop yield would reach 6.5 t ha
, still short of the
7.0 t ha
needed for the 776 MT target.
Modern genetic and crop improvement programs
designed to enable the capture of more carbon are now
focused on substantially improving the yields of the world's
major crops (Parry et al. 2011). Grain yield will be
improved through improved photosynthetic efficiency,
altered canopy and root architecture, modified seed devel-
opment, and enhanced nutrient utilization efficiency. This
will be introduced utilizing breeding, exploiting novel germ-
plasm, transgenesis, and other forms of genome remodeling.
During the past six decades, improvement of crop yield
was largely depending on resource inputs. From 1952 to
2011, irrigated area increased twofolds (from 20.2 to
61.7 Mha), annual consumption of chemical fertilizers
712 times (from 0.08 to 57 MT), agricultural machinery
power 4886 times (from 0.2 to 977.3 million kW), and
agricultural use of electricity 14,279 times (from 0.1 to
714 billion kWh). Meanwhile, the growing inputs of
resources were accompanied by a diminishing response in
grain yield (Fig. 5). For example, during the period
between 1960s and 1990s, the partial contribution of
chemical fertilizer to the yield increases in wheat, maize,
and rice was by 40– 60% (Lin and Li 1989), but for the
period of 2000– 2008, the contribution ratio dropped to
30.5%, 25.3%, and 18.7%, respectively (Zhang et al.
2008). Furthermore, many yield-enhancing technologies
are already widely adopted, such as fertilizers, modern
crop varieties, irrigation, and agricultural machinery, but
the contribution ratio to total grain production by crop
yield continues to decline. It is questionable if greater
technological and resource inputs would lead to further
greater production, and if so, at what price.
Constraints in the three grain basket
The three food basket regions produced 91.8% of the net
increase in grain output in the whole country during the
period of 2004– 2011. Without doubt, China's pursuit of
food security will continue to rely on these regions. How-
ever, there are serious constraints within these regions
that hinder agricultural development in the future, for
example, destruction of the wetland (Jiang et al. 2009)
Table 1. The tendency of per capita food intake and prediction in 2030.
Year Population
Per capita food intake
Total grain (MT)Cereal Meat
1961 667 93 3.7 2.1 2.5 81
1978 957 152 11.3 2.5 3.1 199
1984 1040 182 17.5 3.9 4.2 275
1996 1226 174 38.3 14.8 8.2 426
2004 1300 157 51.0 16.5 16.7 515
2007 1321 153 52.0 17.4 28.7 545
1467 112 122.1 14.3 253.8 1733
1467 125 83.4 12.4 241.4 1445
1467 115 45.9 19.6 76.5 722
1467 146 27.4 18.3 109.5 776
The data of Chinese population in 2030 is based on the prediction of United Nations under the condition of the high birth rate (UN, 2012).
The data of the per capita food intake are cited from Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO 2012b).
The total consumption of the per capita food in terms of the grain is recalculated based on the different conversion rates of meats, eggs, and
milk: 1 kg beef =7 kg grain; 1 kg mutton =3 kg grain; 1 kg poultry = 2.1 kg grain; 1 kg pork =3.5 kg grain; 1 kg egg = 2.5 kg grain; 1 kg
milk = 2.1 kg grain (Liu, 2002).
Scenario 1 is calculated based on the per capita food intake of USA in 2007.
Scenario 2 is calculated based on the per capita food intake of EU in 2007.
Scenario 3 is calculated based on the per capita food intake of Japan in 2007.
Scenario 4 is calculated based on the per capita food intake recommended by Chinese Society for Nutrition.
ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists. 25
Y. Li et al . Analysis of China's Grain Production
and soil erosion problems in NECP (Wang et al. 2008a,
b), severe water shortage in NCP (Khan et al. 2009), and
land competition in the Yangtze region (Chen 2007).
The NECP is China's most concentrated area of
wetland, totaling 6.4 Mha in 2010 (Xing et al. 2011).
Wetland, with important ecological functions and values,
is an ecological landscape rich in biodiversity and one of
the most important natural habitats for all walks of live.
Unfortunately, exploiting the natural wetland for grain
production has been on-going for decades in this region.
An estimated 2 Mha natural wetland was converted into
artificial wetland for grain production between 1979 and
2007, while the fastest growth of the artificial wetland
occurred during the period between 2001 and 2007
(increased by 1 Mha) (Xing et al. 2011). This trend must
be reversed because it is destructive, unsustainable, and
potentially disastrous for the ecological system. In fact, in
recent years, government has begun to implement a pol-
icy of conversion of farmland back into wetland.
Soil erosion is another widespread problem in NECP.
This region's vast agricultural wealth resides largely in its
11 Mha of black soil, of which 8.2 Mha has been used for
grain production. Black soil erosion has worsened in
recent years. A consulting project of the Chinese Academy
of Engineering estimated that the black soil layer is erod-
ing at an annual rate of nearly 1 cm, with the annual ero-
sion volume totaling 100– 200 million m
. Soil erosion
takes away nutrients; and the reduction in total grain
production caused by decreased soil fertility was esti-
mated to be 2– 4 MT annually (Wang et al. 2008a,b).
Although various measures have been taken, for example,
planting trees, establishing windbreaks, to prevent soil
erosion, the current tillage practice is the main factor for
soil erosion. Continuous corn or rice production in the
NECP, as rotation with soybeans has disappeared, will
eventually become a problem for soil quality (carbon
removal due to harvesting stover) and pest management.
The challenge is to protect the regions' natural resources,
notably wetland and black soil, while sustaining or even
increasing grain yields.
For the NCP, water scarcity is the most serious prob-
lem. Summer maize typically consumes 420 mm water
and winter wheat 450 mm (Liu et al. 2002) but annual
precipitation averages merely 500 mm and varies from
300 to 1000 mm (Li et al. 2005; Meng et al. 2012). Only
20– 30% of the precipitation occurs during the winter
wheat growing season (Wang et al. 2008a,b; Sun et al.
2010), therefore, the crop relies heavily on irrigation, typi-
cally 3– 4 times per season (consuming 750– 900 m
per ha with each irrigation). Hebei province, one of the
provinces in NCP, has 72.8% arable land with irrigation
facility in 2011 (National Bureau of Statistics of China
2012). Agricultural water use accounts for 64.7% of total
water consumption in NCP, and 70% of the agricultural
water is derived from groundwater (through well con-
struction with government subsidies) (Zhang et al. 2011).
Excessive mining of groundwater aquifers in North China
has caused the water table to recede, from a few meters
below the soil surface in 1970s to 30 m or more, at a
speed of around 1 m/year (Wang et al. 2002; Kang et al.
2008). Assuming the water use efficiencies of 1.5 and
2.7 kg t
for wheat and maize as in the optimized exper-
iment in NCP (Meng et al. 2012), production of the
required wheat and maize output in the region for 2030
(91.7 and 96.8 MT) would need 96.9 billion tons of
water, which is more than the current estimates of
groundwater reserve in the region (75.4 billion tons; Min-
istry of Water Resource of China 2012). The impact of
climate change may further exacerbate the water shortage
in NCP (Piao et al. 2010). Furthermore, the fast develop-
ing animal and vegetable production sectors in the region
have been and will continue to dry up the aquifers faster.
In addition, rapid urbanization and industrialization will
increase water transfers from low-value agricultural uses
to high-value industrial and domestic uses (Matsuno
et al. 2007). Resolving the water shortage issue systemi-
cally therefore is absolutely critical to the region's future
development, particularly in agriculture.
Reducing water use without decreasing crop produc-
tion is difficult because evaporation from crops is tightly
coupled with the capture of carbon. A limitation in
water supply to decrease transpiration below the rate
regulated by the evaporative demand of the natural envi-
ronment will dry the soil and limit plant growth. Deficit
irrigation appears to be an effective management
approach, particularly for areas with water shortage such
Figure 5. Increasing resource inputs for total grain production
growth by 100 MT. The data were collected from the China Statistical
Yearbook published by National Bureau of Statistics of China in 2012.
The amount of agricultural material inputs in different years is
showed by the index (1978 = 100). The nodes on the line represent
the total yield of the maize, rice, and wheat in 1978, 1984, 1996,
2004, and 2011, respectively.
26 ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists.
Analysis of China's Grain Production Y. Li et al.
as NCP. This is achieved by using deficit irrigation to reg-
ulate excessive vegetative vigor and to shift the balance
between grain/fruit and vegetative growth toward sus-
tained production of high-quality grain/fruit thereby
delivering a substantial dividend in terms of crop value
(Davies et al. 2002). The extent of grain filling in mono-
carpic cereals depends on carbon from two sources: cur-
rent assimilates and assimilates redistributed from reserve
pools in vegetative tissues (e.g., stems and leaf sheaths).
Remobilization of reserves from these stores to the grain
can contribute as much as 40% of rice yield. High appli-
cations of nitrogen fertilizer can delay crop senescence
and prevent remobilization thereby reducing grain yield.
Yang and Zhang (2010) have shown that deficit irrigation
helps stimulate senescence, enhance resource remobiliza-
tion and thereby increase Harvest Index and grain yield.
Several approaches to deficit irrigation have proved suc-
cessful for various crops (see, e.g., Chaves et al. 2007; Fer-
eres and Soriano 2007). In China in particular, these
techniques have impacted very positively on water produc-
tivity, catchment hydrology, and the quality of the natural
environment. Kang and Zhang (2004) have developed a
novel irrigation method termed controlled alternate partial
root-zone irrigation (CAPRI). This technique, exploiting
plant's drought stress biology (Gowing et al. 1990), can
improve crop water use efficiency substantially and save
significant quantities of water. In a range of experiments
in China, CAPRI maintained high grain yield with up to
50% reduction in irrigation water use. Conventional irri-
gation with the same reduced amount of water delivered a
substantial decrease in yield. The technique was extended
to over 4000 ha of cereals in northwest China. In one
region of over 1000 ha two million m
of irrigation water
was saved and substantial electric energy for pumping
groundwater was also saved.
The Yangtze region faces a different issue, where com-
petition for land from the nonagricultural sector has been
particularly fierce. Grain production acreage has declined
substantially since 1987, due largely to rapid municipal
and industrial growth in Yangtze region such as Shanghai,
Jiangsu, and Zhejiang province (Long et al. 2007). Take
Jiangsu province for instance, urban settlements, rural
settlements, and industrial land increased by 87,997 ha
(175%), 81,041 ha (105%), and 12,692 ha (398%),
respectively, from 1990 to 2006. Previous rice paddy fields
and dryland contributed to newly urbanized areas by
37.12% and 73.52% during 1990– 2000, and 46.39% and
38.86% during 2000– 2006 (Liu et al. 2010). Arable land
in the Yangtze region decreased from 25.3 Mha in 1996
to 23.9 Mha in 2008, the decrease averaging 0.5% per
year. If the output of rice is increased by 20.6 MT, the
cultivated area would need to increase by 3.1 Mha from
the yield of rice achieved in 2011. If wheat output
increases by 19.1 MT, more than 4.1 Mha of additional
cultivated area will be needed on top of the 5.7 Mha cur-
rently used for wheat production. Therefore, increases in
grain output in the Yangtze region will become increas-
ingly difficult.
General Discussion
China has made a remarkable stride in the past six dec-
ades in increasing grain production and enhancing its
food security, thanks to the "green revolution" in genetic
improvement along with accelerated resource inputs,
advances in nutrient management on grain production
system, and what for the most part have been effective
and supportive agricultural policies (Table 2).
Agricultural production in China was largely frag-
mented and staggering due to the long-term war prior to
1949. Between 1949 and 1977, the "People's Commune"
system was mandated by the government as a way to
solve the problem of low efficiency of the grain produc-
tion of small household farmers. Under this system,
massive amounts of labors were organized to cultivate
wastelands, reclaim land, and conduct farmland water
conservancy projects in order to expand farmland and
irrigated area. Consequently, the total cultivated area for
grain production increased from 110 to 120 Mha, around
9.5%. Irrigated area in China increased from 20 Mha (less
than 20% of the total area of farmland in 1952) to
50 Mha (more than 40% of the total area of farmland by
the end of 1978). Meanwhile, over 7 Mha of terraced
fields were constructed. Due to an almost total absence of
agricultural machines and fertilizers, these substantial
increases in grain production were largely achieved
through the increased irrigation and manure inputs.
The People's Commune system significantly promoted
grain production. However, it greatly diminished the indi-
vidual farmer's autonomy because the government
removed the farmers' rights to trade their own grain out-
put. In the last several years of the 1970s, increase in cereal
production was very limited. Therefore, bold policies and
institutional reforms were implemented to motivate greater
production by rural households (Fan et al. 2004). In 1978
the government introduced the household responsibility
system, under which key land rights were reallocated from
collective farms to rural households and the households
were required to sell the grain to the government with some
specified quota amount at contract prices in exchange for
use rights to specific plots of land (Shea 2010). As long as
the quota obligations are met, farmers are generally free to
grow whatever crops they desire and to sell their harvest at
the market price. During the 6 years from 1978 to 1984,
the average annual increase in the national grain yield was
4.9%, which was the highest rate since 1949.
ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists. 27
Y. Li et al . Analysis of China's Grain Production
During the period 1985 and 1998, the Chinese govern-
ment tried to promote the marketing of agricultural
products, which mobilized the farmers' enthusiasm for
grain production further. Farmers were anxious to
increase input of agricultural materials as much as possi-
ble in order to expand grain production. Pesticide use
increased by > 65%, and the use of fertilizers and agricul-
tural machinery (mainly small tillage and harvesting
machine for small farmers) doubled. In 1994, China
became the world's largest consumer of chemical fertiliz-
ers. Meanwhile, the Chinese government implemented a
market reform policy to lower the grain acquisition price
and remove price control on other crops and animal
products, which expanded the proportion of other crops
and animal production. This policy caused many farmers
to convert from cereal production to the production of
cash crops. During the period 1999 and 2003, the central
government withdrew from management of national cer-
eal production and storage; this caused a decrease in the
national cereal planting area of 12.2%. The annual growth
rate fell to the historical low value of 4.1%.
In 2004, the Chinese government started to encourage
grain production once again with a series of policies such
as subsidy on grain production, fertilizers, and other agri-
cultural materials, using new varieties, and purchasing of
agricultural machinery. The government also canceled
agricultural tax. In addition to economic incentives and
exemptions, the central government commanded provin-
cial governors and mayors to be directly responsible to
ensure consistent supplies of basic food. Hence, farmers
were once again motivated to produce extra grain. In
2004, China's grain production recovered from a 5-year
consecutive decline since 1998 and entered a recovery
stage. The annual growth rate of grain yield between 2004
and 2011 was 2.6%, while the corresponding rate in the
rest of the world was 1.1%. While these subsidies pro-
moted massive inputs of agricultural resources by farmers,
the crop yield was not improved to the same extent due
to a lack of agricultural technology and modern cultiva-
tion methods. For instance, the nationwide application of
N fertilizers was 30– 60% above that of agronomically
sound and environmentally sensible recommendations.
The problems caused by excessive applications were com-
pounded by application made at inappropriate times of
the growing season (e.g., for wheat, 60% of the N was
applied before planting and 26% of farmers reported sin-
gle application times instead of split applications). Hand-
broadcasting methods were also employed (surface
spreading of fertilizers before soil preparation or irriga-
tion) (Zhang et al. 2013). This kind of fertilizer applica-
tion will not contribute much to increased crop yield but
will potentially generate a range of environmental prob-
lems, such as greenhouse gas emissions, soil acidification,
and N-deposition (Guo et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2013; Zhang
et al. 2013). In the future, China must address the follow-
ing four issues if it is to ensure its food security: (1) How
to improve farmers' initiatives for grain production? (2)
How to further boost crop yield? (3) How to eliminate/
minimize the environmental costs of grain production?
(4) How to recouple grain production with animal pro-
duction to better recycle manures and protect water qual-
ity? The approach to these key questions must be based
on effective technical schemes and development of effec-
tive extension systems, and policy options.
Integrated technology for greater yield as
well as efficiency
There remains a large yield gap within China. For maize,
farmer's yields average 7.9 t ha
but the yield potential
Table 2. The policy transformation of grain production between 1949 and 2011.
Phases Policy description
area (Mha)
area (Mha)
fertilizers (kg ha
machine (MkW)
Phase I (1949
Government control from grain production to
distribution;People's Commune
110– 120 <20– 45 0.6– 73.4 <0.2–103
Phase II (1978
Household responsibility system 121– 113 45– 44 73.3– 154 117–195
Phase III
Household responsibility system; liberation of
rural market
109– 114 44 – 52 163– 294 209–452
Phase IV
Household responsibility system; marketization
of grain production
113– 99 53 – 54 299– 303 490–604
Phase V (2004
Household responsibility system; marketization
of grain production; subsidy policy
101– 111 54 – 62 287– 345 640–977
2011-beyond Market + technology + service + policy No change No change Reduce Increase
The data of cultivated area, irrigated area, chemical fertilizers, and agricultural machines were collected from the China Statistical Yearbook pub-
lished by National Bureau of Statistics of China in 2012.
28 ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists.
Analysis of China's Grain Production Y. Li et al.
is 16.5 t ha
with the best recorded yield being
15.4 t ha
(Shen et al. 2013a). The large yield gap is
caused by the climate and natural resources constraints,
poor water and fertilizer management, and improper crop
cultivation practice. Hence, scientists specializing in crop
improvement and in advanced crop management tech-
niques (crop cultivation and soil and nutrient manage-
ment) should collaborate in order to design applicable
and optimized technologies to best fit local conditions
including root/rhizosphere management (Shen et al.
2013b). Plant breeders need to produce more efficient
and productive varieties with increased yield potential
(e.g., Reynolds et al. 2010). Agronomists need to develop
novel crop management techniques such as manipulating
root growth as well as designing better crop canopy (Shen
et al. 2013b); soil scientists need to integrate tillage, sus-
tainable fertilizer use, incorporation of crop residues, use
of soil amendment, and novel crop rotation practices,
and plant nutrition experts should design effective nutri-
tion management systems based both on soil nutrient
supply capacity and nutrient requirements of the plant.
Efficient extension systems should be established to pro-
mote and deliver novel integrated technologies into the
hands of hundreds of millions of farmers. Currently, the
extension rate for novel technologies applied to grain pro-
duction is only 35%, and the contribution of the technol-
ogy to enhanced grain production is around 30– 40% in
China. In contrast, the rate in many developed countries
is as high as 60– 80% (Wei 2009). This suggests that econ-
omists and sociologists should cooperate to develop a
market-oriented extension system designed for different
technological integration models and cost-benefit situa-
tions for farmer households. In addition, supporting poli-
cies, including subsidies, are needed for the application of
highly productive and effective technologies.
Infrastructure building and supporting
Urbanization and development of related infrastructural
support have been much enhanced in China during the
past few decades. However, in rural China, the develop-
ment of infrastructure has lagged behind. For instance, irri-
gated land accounts for 55% of the total cultivated crop
acreage but irrigation systems are often remarkably low in
water use efficiency. Due in part to obsolete equipment
and facilities, roughly 50% of the water resource is com-
monly lost during the process of transportation. Invest-
ment in irrigation, with both strategic expansion of
irrigated land and enhancement of water use efficiency is
essential to promote future crop yield. Furthermore, the
small size of individual Chinese farms makes it difficult to
use some advanced technologies such as mechanized
ploughing and fertilization. In addition, migration of
younger people to cities has caused labor shortages in parts
of rural China. Moreover, growing demand for animal
products and its link to grain production in the future will
intensify the competition of water and land use between
grain and animal production. In response, to all of this,
farmers' cooperatives have emerged in recent years, the
reconsolidation of small plots of land into large farms
increases efficiency of many cultural processes. Develop-
ments such as these might be encouraged by government
with support offered through scientific and technological
inputs. In addition, road construction in rural China
would substantially benefit agricultural development. Fur-
thermore, use of agricultural by-products, such as animal
and human wastes, crop residues, green manure, and city
sludge is essential to improve soil quality and reduce use of
inorganic fertilizers, but many farmers are unwilling to use
these organic wastes due to lack of necessary facilities for
transportation and distribution. Government intervention
to encourage waste processing (storage system and nonhaz-
ardous treatment) instead of current "direct discard" prac-
tice could be very important for food security and
environment safety. Finally, investment in small irrigation
and water conservancy infrastructure, land integration, and
development of mechanical farming can bear dividends.
Motivating farmers for enhanced
Due to the low-pricing policy for crop products in China,
food production is a low profitability business in general.
Farmers are attracted to cities for the cash reward of non-
agricultural jobs. There is a lack of economic incentive
for farmers to spend time and money on new technolo-
gies for grain production. Although the government
encourages farmers to participate in farming through a
series of subsidy programs, these subsidies fail to encour-
age farmers to use more advanced technology for
enhanced productivity. From the perspective of the sub-
sidy on per unit land, in 2008 Chinese farmers received a
subsidy at 34.4 USD/acre, which is similar to what an
American farmer would receive from the US subsidy
program (at 30– 50 USD/acre) (Huang et al. 2011b).
However, the average Chinese farm household only farms
1.5 acre of land, making the seemingly substantial subsi-
dies trivial for an average Chinese farmer (Chen et al.
2011). Also, ongoing differentiated subsidies have resulted
in the change in cropping structure, reducing the areas
committed to soybeans and oil plants. If food production
is to continue to increase, the present policy on subsidies
needs to be adjusted, and infrastructure construction
needs to be subsidized (not just facilities for agricultural
production, but also including roads, communication and
ª2013 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists. 29
Y. Li et al . Analysis of China's Grain Production
energy), prices of agricultural products should be pro-
tected, extension systems must be developed, agricultural
credit systems must be established, and farmer coopera-
tives should be encouraged. These measures can be crucial
to motivate farmers, promote technological advances, and
to safeguard the increase in food production.
At present, China's food security is relatively sound at the
national level. However, future food security is threatened
by anthropogenic (Wilkinson et al. 2012), sociopolitical
and policy factors. In addition, soil degradation, water
scarcity, severe pollution, and declining efficiency of fertil-
izer application have become more and more prominent
as the consequences of the current grain production devel-
opment model. How to sustainably support a growing
population and its changing appetite and dietary needs has
been a concern and will continue to be high priority on
the national policy agenda. The technology currently
adopted for crop production does not generate maximum
efficiency; but on the other hand, it provides huge poten-
tial to increase the unit production in China. Future adop-
tion of an integrated management technology could be
one way of boosting grain production for years to come.
Therefore, innovations in both policy formulation and
technology can be promoted for the sustainability of grain
production in China. Government investments in agricul-
ture must lean toward some technology extensions, house-
holds should be encouraged in particular to use new
agricultural technology, and useful knowledge on utiliza-
tion of resources should be wildly available to help farmers
make full use of resources under a limited resource budget.
Policies of this kind should be combined with both envi-
ronmental considerations and active consideration of new
social policies aimed at increasing the availability of good
quality safe food. Particular attention should be given to
ensure that evolving dietary changes are both environmen-
tally sustainable and health promoting.
The authors appreciate funding for this study provided by
the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Pro-
gram: 2009CB118608), the Innovative Group Grant of
Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (31121062),
and the Special Fund for Agro scientific Research in the
Public Interest (201203079 and 201103003). W. J. D.
thanks CIMMYT for financial support.
Conflict of Interest
None declared.
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Analysis of China's Grain Production Y. Li et al.
... China's grain yield increased from 1 t/ha in 1961 to 6 t/ha in 2015, while successfully feeding not only its large population but also supplying agricultural products all over the world. These achievements were greatly supported by modern technology and distinct governmental policy (Li et al 2013). In the past 60 years, China's total grain output increased by fivefold, from 113 million tons (MT) in 1949 to 571 MT in 2011, a statistic which provides inspiration to producers in other parts of the world. ...
... At the national scale, China has succeeded in maintaining a basic self-sufficiency for grain for the past three decades. However, with the increasing population pressure and a growing appetite for animal products, China will need 776 MT grain by 2030 to feed its own people, a net increase of 35.9% from its best year on record (Li et al 2013). All of which is petrochemical dependent. ...
- Simon Michaux
The link below is to a report that examines what is going to be required to fully phase out fossil fuels as an energy source and replace the entire existing system with renewable energy sources and transportation. This is done by estimating what it would be required to replace the entire fossil fuel system in 2018, for the US, Europe, China, and global economies. This report examines the size and scope of the existing transport fleet, and scope of fossil fuel industrial actions. To replace fossil fuelled ICE vehicles, Electric Vehicles, H2 cell vehicles for cars, trucks, rail, and maritime shipping was examined. To phase out fossil fuel power generation, solar, wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal and nuclear were all examined. Conclusions were drawn after comparing all these different aspects.
... However, the area of RR cultivation in Hubei has since decreased rapidly to only 7000 ha in 2010 (Xu et al. 2015). The main reason for this decline is that the yield of RR is lower and less stable compared with double rice and rice-wheat systems, while more labor is needed compared with single cropping rice (Li et al. 2014;Xu et al. 2015;Luo 2016). In recent years, new rice varieties with high ratooning ability, coupled with better crop and water management, have enabled major crops to be harvested mechanically, attracting farmers to replant RR (Yuan et al. 2019). ...
- Zijuan Ding
- Ren Hu
- David Styles
- Jun Hou
Ratoon rice (RR) is regarded as a labor-saving and efficient approach to rice cultivation; however, sub-optimal production techniques (fertilization, irrigation, harvesting) may lead to serious environmental problems and unsustainable agriculture. In this study, emergy analysis was combined with indicators of soil fertility, global warming potential (GWP), and profitability to comprehensively assess the sustainability performance of three cultivation modes: (i) traditional farm practice (TRA), (ii) optimized mode (OPT), and (iii) OPT plus green manure planting (OPTM). Over 2 years, compared with the TRA mode, OPT and OPTM modes increased total rice yield by 10% and 19% on average and improved profit by 233.7 and 456.5 Yuan ha−1, respectively. Single emergy analysis results showed that, compared with the TRA mode, OPT and OPTM (2-year average value) modes increased production efficiency by 10% and 8%, reduced renewable fraction and emergy sustainability index by 14–19% and 18–23%, respectively, and increased environmental loading ratio by 31% and 22%. Multiple EMA analysis results showed that, compared with the TRA mode, OPT and OPTM (2-year average value) modes reduced UEVNmin by 23% and 21% and increased UEVGWP 32% and 51%, respectively. The UEVTotal revenue and UEVBenefit of OPT and OPTM increased by 8–29% and 4–37%, respectively, compared with TRA mode. The comprehensive assessment indicated that, despite OPT and OPTM modes have a range of improvements and dis-improvements versus the TRA mode, OPTM was the more sustainable mode of RR production overall. However, some sustainability indicators remained poor, and there remains scope for further optimization via, e.g., precision application of enhanced-efficiency fertilizers, application of a straw-decomposing inoculant to improve soil fertility, and use of new improved rice varieties with high regenerative ability to improve the yield of ratoon crops.
... Approximately 37% of the cropland pixels were "continuous increase of GPP", mostly in the Northern China Plain. In order to increase crop yield (ton/ha), the Chinese government carried out various projects that provided substantial financial investment, policy support, and resource inputs (e.g., water, fertilizer, and machinery) to agriculture, which were considered to be the major driving factors for the large increases of crop yield and CGP in China (Huang and Yang, 2017;Li et al., 2014). As the gross domestic product (GDP) increased, government financial investments in agriculture increased gradually during 2000-2008 and then rose substantially during 2009-2016 (Fig. 3a). ...
Sustainable crop grain production and food security is a grand societal challenge. Substantial investments in China's agriculture have been made in the past decades, but our knowledge on cropland gross primary production in China remains limited. Here we analyzed gross primary production (GPP), solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), terrestrial water storage, crop grain production, and agricultural investment and policy during 2000–2018. We found that based on croplands in 2000, approximately 52 × 10⁶ ha (~37%) had continuous increasing trends in GPP during 2000–2018, which were mainly located in northern China. GPP for 63% of croplands was stagnant, declined, or had no significant change. At the national scale, annual cropland GPP increased during 2000–2008 but became stagnant in 2009–2018, which was inconsistent with the interannual trend in the crop grain production data for 2009–2018. The spatial mismatch between crop production and water availability became worse. The major grain exporting provinces, mostly located in water-stressed regions, experienced increased water resource constraints, which posed a challenge for sustainable grain production. The stagnant cropland GPP and increasing water resource constraints highlight the urgent need for sustainable management for crop production and food security in China.
... It investigated agricultural adaptation and rural transformation based on system thinking of human-nature interactions and feedback for operational policy suggestions and planning advice towards rural sustainability in semiarid China and other dryland areas. To do so, we analysed land-use practices and farm management with a specific focus on land rental, migration work, and legume cropping due to the growing debates about China's labour migration and land transfer (Ji et al. 2018;Xu et al. 2018) as well as its grain production and food security (Li et al. 2014;Hairong et al. 2016;Grote et al. 2021). In particular, rural policy interventions were represented by their potential impact on demographic composition, financial support (e.g., allowance and subsidies), capacity building (e.g., skills training) and public infrastructure (e.g., transport). ...
Despite the dramatic progress in poverty reduction, China's vast rural areas of backwardness, environmental degradation and low labour productivity are a long-standing challenge to achieve common prosperity and sustainable development. Finding a balance between ecological conservation and socioeconomic development is a solution. However, previous studies have largely neglected the concept. Here, we proposed a framework that integrates the ecological environment and socioeconomic wellbeing via farm management and the use of ecosystem services (ES) to assess rural sustainability and explore a suitable balance and pathways from the perspective of the human dimension. Taking Yan'he Township in China's Loess Plateau as an example, a clustering analysis was performed to group farm households based on their behaviour in cropping, land rental, and off-farm work. A composite index was built to assess rural sustainability at the farm household level, while a structural equation model was performed to estimate the effect of land-use practices on rural sustainability and explore adequate farm management and policy interventions. The results show that households with different farm management and land-use strategies had divergent agricultural performance, use of ES, and environmental and wellbeing outcomes. Increasing legume cropping with conservation approaches (e.g., rotation) and extended irrigation while encouraging migrant work with ensured equal urban-rural social welfare and property rights may contribute to balancing socioeconomic development with ecological conservation. The findings indicate that both interventionist policies and independent market support are vital for individual and community capacity building and public infrastructure development to stimulate agricultural adaptation and rural transformation towards sustainability.
... Feeding the growing population and eliminating hunger through sustainable agriculture remains a grand challenge (O'Neill et al., 2018). This confronting issue is particularly severe in rapidly developing countries such as China with large population where the demand and consumption of food, energy, and dwindling resources are huge and growing at a rate that threatens the very stability of their ecosystems and environmental boundaries (Hu et al., 2020;Li et al., 2014;Springmann et al., 2018). Food production systems are a major source of global environmental degradation, largely caused by the excessive use of chemical fertilizers (188 Tg year −1 globally) and pesticides (4.12 Tg year −1 globally) (FAO, 2020). ...
Small farms are the mainstay of maize production in China. Its productivity is relatively low despite large farm inputs and the associated environmental footprints. Here, we studied public–private partnership (PPP) model for sustainable intensification of maize production to achieve co-benefits of food security and environmental sustainability. The PPP model enabled the development of an effective partnership by bringing complementary skills, knowledge, proprietary products and technologies, and resources of public research community and private enterprises to create a new, operational maize farming system in China. We conducted on-farm research with farmer participation in four major maize-growing regions spanning temperate to sub-tropical zones in China for 2 years. The PPP model achieved 78.7% of maize yield potential compared with 61.8% realized in smallholder farm (SHF) (11.0 Mg ha⁻¹ vs. 8.6 Mg ha⁻¹). Overall, environmental externalities of PPP were up to 32.7% lower than that of SHF, depending on the region studied. PPP significantly reduced reactive nitrogen losses by 31.3%–35.5% compared with SHF in both years. There was no significant difference between PPP and SHF for greenhouse gas emission in 2018, but it was significantly lower in PPP (19%) compared to SHF in 2019. Similarly, PPP significantly reduced soil acidification potential (by 10.1%–42.2%) and eutrophication of waterbodies (21.5%) in comparison to SHF. Overall, the net ecosystem economic budget increased 277 USD ha⁻¹ with PPP. The PPP model provides new insights into improving food security and ecosystem and economic budget. As a logical progression to our research, future work should focus on (a) the reasons for the persistence of inter-regional yield gap in PPP model and (b) to gain a better understanding of socioeconomic drivers critical for successful PPP in different maize-growing regions.
... In this paper, the proportion of rations converted into grain in urban areas is 1.25. Feed conversion rate is based on the international general feed conversion rate, combined with the actual situation of livestock and aquaculture industry in China (Li et al., 2014;Zhou et al., 2008), in line with the following ratio conversions: beef 1:7.0, pork1:3.5, lamb 1:3.0, poultry 1:2.1, eggs 1:2.5, dairy products 1:0.5 and aquatic products 1:1.2 to calculate different kinds of indirect food. ...
- Lei Chen
- Jianxia Chang
- Yimin Wang
- Zhengyi Xie
Climate change and human development may lead to a serious crisis in food security in China, especially in areas with both water shortages and large grain production. Thus, the quantitative evaluation of future food security risk considering water scarcity is increasingly important. Here, we combined water scarcity and crop production data under different scenarios of representative concentration pathways (RCPs) and shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), incorporating demographic, food habit and water resource factors, to develop a new framework for measuring China's food security risk. The results show that the water scarcity and crop production-water crisis (CPWC) of China would both be aggravated during the 21st century. In particular, northern China might face more serious water scarcity than southern China and has a higher contribution rate to the national crop production-water crisis. Food scarcity in China might occur at some point in the 21st century under all SSP scenarios, except SSP1 (sustainability development pathway). The next 40 years could be the most critical period for ensuring China's food security. Moreover, by comparing the RCP2.6 and RCP6.0 scenarios, we also find that higher food production does not represent lower food security risk. The food security risk of the RCP26 scenario with higher food production was significantly higher than that of the RCP6.0 scenario at the same SSP because higher grain production comes from water shortage areas. From the perspective of societal development scenarios, SSP1 provided better results for both the risk of food security and water security in the 21st century. Our findings therefore provide useful information for a comprehensive understanding of long-term food security and water security of China.
- Qiuli Hu
- Ying Zhao
- Xinlong Hu
- Xiaobing Chen
Efficient utilization of the limited water and land resources is critical for global development with a growing population. The widespread saline land remains an important reserved land resource for food security. This study investigated the performance of the raised field-shallow trench pattern on salt removal and water budget in the cotton field by a virtual experiment. The widely-used physically-based HYDRUS (2D/3D) model was used to implement different raise field elevations and slopes. Results showed that the raised land could control the soil salinity in the unsaturated root zone by intensifying the drainage. Compared with the flat land, the desalination effect of the raised land was more effective with the gentler slope and higher raised elevation. Without irrigation, the 30° and 45° slope-raised lands had slight effect on the soil salinity in the unsaturated root zone. Salt removal would be more effective with the addition of irrigation, with the desalination ratio ranging from 10.60% to 41.01% under fresh irrigation, or from 6.76% to 25.92% under saline irrigation, respectively. More importantly, the implementation of irrigation effectively improved the cotton root water uptake, and saline water irrigation for the 15° slope-raised field was proved to nearly meets the cotton water requirement. Therefore, the raised field-shallow trench pattern combined with saline water irrigation may provide local farmers with an alternative solution to saline land reclamation under fresh water scarcity.
- Yansui Liu
With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, great progress has been made in China's urban and rural socioeconomic development, but it also brings a lot of resource problems and environmental pressure, resulting in issues such as the imbalance of factor input structure and the excessive consumption of water and land resources. From 2000 to 2009, there exists an inverted U-shaped relationship between non-agriculturalization of farmland and economic growth in China, and the rapid non-agriculturalization rate of agricultural land has slowed down. Then, this chapter analyzes the land use change in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from 2000 to 2015, constructs a driving force index system of land use change, and discusses the land use pattern of Beijing Tianjin Hebei region in 2030 under the scenarios of business as usual, cropland protection and ecological security. Furthermore, the improved STIRPAT model is used to study the impact of China's urban–rural transformation on energy consumption, CO2 emissions and industrial pollutant emissions, and some suggestions are put forward to reduce energy consumption, CO2 emissions and industrial pollutant emissions. Finally, the theory of village transformation and its resources and environmental effects is discussed, and Beicun village in the suburb of Beijing is taken as an example to analyze the resources and environmental effects and the process, characteristics and internal mechanism of village transformation in the process of coordinated development of "planting, breeding, processing and tourism".
Polychlorinated naphthalene (PCN) concentrations in the soil at an e-waste recycling area in Guiyu, China, were measured and the associated human cancer risk due to e-waste-related exposures was investigated. We quantified PCNs in the agricultural soil and used these concentrations with predictive equations to calculate theoretical concentrations in outdoor air. We then calculated theoretical concentrations in indoor air using an attenuation factor and in the local diet using previously published models for contaminant uptake in plants and fruits. Potential human cancer risks of PCNs were assessed for multiple exposure pathways, including soil ingestion, inhalation, dermal contact, and dietary ingestion. Our calculations indicated that local residents had a high cancer risk from exposure to PCNs and that the diet was the primary pathway of PCN exposure, followed by dermal contact as the secondary pathway. We next repeated the risk assessment using concentrations for other carcinogenic contaminants reported in the literature at the same site. We found that polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and PCNs caused the highest potential cancer risks to the residents, followed by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The relative importance of different exposure pathways depended on the physicochemical properties of specific chemicals.
Soil acidification is a major problem in soils of intensive Chinese agricultural systems. We used two nationwide surveys, paired comparisons in numerous individual sites, and several long-term monitoring-field data sets to evaluate changes in soil acidity. Soil pH declined significantly (P < 0.001) from the 1980s to the 2000s in the major Chinese crop-production areas. Processes related to nitrogen cycling released 20 to 221 kilomoles of hydrogen ion (H+) per hectare per year, and base cations uptake contributed a further 15 to 20 kilomoles of H+ per hectare per year to soil acidification in four widespread cropping systems. In comparison, acid deposition (0.4 to 2.0 kilomoles of H+ per hectare per year) made a small contribution to the acidification of agricultural soils across China.
- Geoff Tansey
This article looks beyond the physical sciences to address the problems of hunger, malnutrition, and environmental degradation. It discusses the challenges and problems with global food security and where and why paradigm shifts are needed to meet those challenges in a fair and sustainable way. It discusses food's role as a satisfier of human need, the importance of history in aiding the understanding of contemporary challenges and the fundamental changes needed to achieve the goal of fair and sustainable food systems.
- J.-F. Wei
Solving grain problem is the strategic objectives for China's agricultural economic development, and is also the basis of achieving grain security. From a dynamic and long-term perspective, based on the main influence factors of China's grain output, the article discusses three basic questions of development means of arable land resources, growth potential of grain yield, and achieving grain increase mechanism. The study results show diat: (D The rigid growth of urban construction land is hard to change, but as long as the institutional barriers were eliminated, the rural population were transferred completely, impelling the rehabilitation of rural idle homestead, not only saving rural land for construction but also increase the supply of land through rehabilitation, so as achieve arable land "ownership" goal in the long term. © Improving grain yield of per unit area is a fundamental way, although there is a higher grain yield level of per unit area now, There is a larger space of potential increase in grain yield. The basic methods are improving low-yielding fields, and increasing the contribution rate of science and technology as well as the scientific level of growing grain of low-yielding farmers. (3) The actual output of grain is the configuration results of variety production factors. Raising income of farmers is the core element to enhance the quality of production and efficient use. To promote grain production, institutional innovation and more effective policy support to grain production are required, including: promoting the grain production, improving the subsidies system of grain production and promoting the scale operation of grain production.
Daily evapotranspiration of irrigated winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) were determined for five seasons between 1995 and 2000 using a large-scale weighing lysimeter, and soil evaporation for each crop was measured for one season using two micro-lysimeters at Luancheng Station in the North China Plain. The results showed that total water consumption averaged 453 and 423 mm for winter wheat and maize grown without water deficit. The water consumption of winter wheat during its growth period greatly exceeds the precipitation, which ranges from 50 mm in dry years to 150 mm in wet years. Consequently, supplemental irrigation is very important to winter wheat production in the region. The average crop coefficient during the whole growth period was 0.93 for winter wheat and 1.1 for maize. Evaporation from the soil surface took up 29.7 and 30.3% of the total evapotranspiration for winter wheat and maize, respectively, equaling an annual loss of more than 250 mm water. Thus, reducing soil evaporation could be one of the most important water-saving measures in this serious water deficit region. Leaf area index (LAI) and moisture in the surface soil greatly affect the ratio of soil evaporation to total evapotranspiration. The relationship between this ratio and surface soil moisture and leaf area index was established, and can help to improve field water utilization efficiency.
- Q.-G. Jiang
- H.-W. Cui
- Y.-H. Li
The authors study on the wetland's change of Sanjiang Plain in the past 20 years, with the TM, ETM and CBERS data, analyzing and quantifying the present distribution and spatial-temporal dynamic variety by RS and GIS technology. The results show that the wetland is now mainly distri-buted in the counties of Tongjiang, Fuyuan, Fujin, Hulin and etc., the varieties of lake and river are almost stable. During the study period, the mire area reduced 5356.69 km 2 greatly and the constructed wetland increased 11597.68 km 2. The results also indicate that the natural wetland landscape's fragmentation is enhanced and the constructed wetland is connecting together gradually affected by human activity.
- Y. Xing
- Q.-G. Jiang
- K. Wang
- J.-J. Yang
Using the MSS data in 1976, ETM data in 2001 and CBERS data in 2007 as data source, we obtained the wetland data by the way of man-machine interactive interpretation and field checkout. Under the support of GIS technology, the authors analyzed the spatial-temporal change characteristics of wetland by dynamic degree, conversion matrix, landscape pattern index and barycenter excursion in three provinces of Northeast China. The results show that the natural wetland decreased largely, and landscape pattern tend to complication; artificial wetland area increased rapidly, and tend to regularization in the past 30 years. And many marshes have been translated to the artificial breeding-cultivation. Although the natural wetland is a slight increasing under increased rainfall and wetland protection measures recently, the coastal wetland is still degraded.
- Gerhard K. Heilig
The author analyzes five anthropogenic driving forces of land-use change in China: population growth, urbanization, industrialization, changes in lifestyles and consumption, and shifts in political and economic arrangements and institutions. The intention is to demonstrate the broad range of factors other than biogeophysical conditions that will affect future land-use patterns in China. A first set of statistical data was collected to analyze these demographic and socioeconomic trends. The author also includes new estimates on China's cultivated land area, indicating that it is more seriously underreported in official statistics than previously acknowledged.
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259538116_An_analysis_of_China%27s_grain_production_looking_back_and_looking_forward
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